£135.00 GBP

Terms & Conditions

This course is copyrighted by Derek Hunt Artist and is sold for personal use only and is not to be copied, recorded or distributed in any way, or used for commercial gain by third parties. All links to web sites are provided on the course in good faith and Derek Hunt Artist will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from those sites. Some links provided on the course are affiliated links, including but not exclusively Amazon Shop links,  which results in a small commission being paid to Derek Hunt Artist. No liability is accepted for any loss or damage to persons or property as a result of using our services, and students taking this course will be responsible for their own health and safety when working with glass, lead, solder, electrical equipment and any other products or items associated with this course.

Privacy Policy

When you contact Derek Hunt Artist or visit our websites  www.limelightstudios.co.uk and www.derekhuntartist.com we will undertake to respect your privacy and your personal information in accordance with applicable UK and EU law. The following statement explains the policy of Derek Hunt Artist, with regards to your privacy:

In some places on the site (e.g. the Contact form), you are asked to submit personal information about yourself (e.g. name, email address). By entering your details as requested, you enable Derek Hunt Artist to reply to your messages. Whenever you provide such information, we will treat that information in conformity with the privacy policy stated here. This information will not be made available to anyone else under any circumstances, unless we are obliged by law to disclose it.

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Sharing of information: we do not share your personal information with others. It is Derek Hunt Artist’s policy not to sell the names or personal information relating to our customers to any third party.

You have the right to request a copy of any personal information Derek Hunt Artist holds about you, by contacting us as above. We will respond to your contact promptly on receipt of your new information.

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Terms and Conditions of Products

Every care has been taken to ensure accuracy of description, specifications, colour and price of all products; however there may be occasional errors. In this event you will be provided with a full explanation and a corrected offer. All items are offered subject to availability. The information displayed is considered as an invitation, not as a confirmed offer for sale. The contract is confirmed upon payment of goods. All items are offered subject to availability at the time of ordering.

The terms and conditions of sale may be changed. Please review them regularly. If you continue to use the website after a change has been made you are deemed to have accepted it. This agreement was last modified on April 6 , 2024.


Stained Glass Making 101

Yes please! Sign me up

What you'll get:
  • 25 Inspirational video demonstrations, and Course Notes
  • Downloadable PDF design cartoons created for this course.
  • Ongoing support with replies to your comments and questions.
  • Long term access to the course
  • Option to join our private Facebook Group 'Stained Glass Making 101' with fellow creatives who are also on the course.
  • Refunds within first 2 weeks of purchase if not completely satisfied.
  • PLEASE NOTE you will need specialist glass tools and equipment to get the most out of this course.

Terms apply. 

What People Are Saying:

Just back from a wonderfully intense, immersive, inspiring few days ...under the expert tutelage of Derek Hunt Artist. I have come away from this experience with my heart and my head full of excitement and new ideas and a renewed joy for the process. Derek is an incredible mentor. A truly fabulous experience. I am so excited to put all I have learned into practice.

Ann Smyth Stained Glass

Just spent 2 amazing days on a course with Derek Hunt Artist. It was absolutely saturated with creative teaching and learning, I felt like I was back on Art foundation! Also sharing this time with 3 other talented artists made it a deeply rich experience that will remain with me for many years.

Jacueline East Illustration

I've had the 'bestest' time with other glass artists and Derek Hunt Artist on a Masterclass .... I am now about to hit the road and race towards my lightbox and paints at home and have some fun !!!! Thank you Derek, for being so generous with your time and for your excellent tuition and for giving us all the space to learn and share together and make new contacts and friendships.

Kay Gibbons Art - Glass - Sculpture

When a group of strangers come together as part of Derek Hunt Artist Master Class and we leave on such a high we start planning to do it all again. Derek Hunt Artist is an extraordinary teacher, who shares his knowledge and skills so generously. Then the people you meet on the course I feel I have known forever….Thank you all for making this special !

Helen Grierson